Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

I could relate to this article because no matter how bad I feel once I exercise it ease my mind. This worth sharing with someone you love and been experienced  anxiety and or depression.

Depression and anxiety symptoms often improve with exercise. When you have anxiety or depression, exercise often seems like the last thing you want to do, but once you get motivated, exercise can make a big difference. So, how do you Exercise for Depression and Anxiety?
First you need to have a greater understanding on how exercise can make a difference in depression and anxiety symptoms. The links between anxiety, depression and exercise are not entirely clear, but working out and other forms of physical activity have shown that it can definitely ease symptoms of anxiety or depression and make you feel better. Exercise has also been shown to help keep anxiety and depression from coming back once you are feeling better and symptoms have subsided.

How does exercise help depression and anxiety?

Regular exercise for depression and anxiety may help ease symptoms in a number of ways, which may include:
  • Releasing feel-good brain chemicals that may ease depression (neurotransmitters, endorphins and endocannabinoids)
  • Reducing immune system chemicals that can worsen depression
  • Increasing body temperature, which may have calming effects
Regular exercise has many other psychological and emotional benefits, as well. It can help you:
  • Gain confidence. Meeting exercise goals or challenges, even small ones, can boost your self-confidence. Getting in shape can also make you feel better about your appearance.
  • Take your mind off worries. Exercise is a distraction that can get you away from the cycle of negative thoughts that feed anxiety and depression.
  • Cope in a healthy way. Doing something positive to manage anxiety or depression is a healthy coping strategy. Trying to feel better by drinking alcohol, dwelling on how badly you feel, or hoping anxiety or depression will go away on its own can lead to worsening symptoms.
Now that you have an understanding of how it can help, what can you do to Exercise for Depression and Anxiety? Research has shown that physical activity such as regular walking, gardening or other forms of physical activity may help improve mood. Keep in mind that Physical activity and exercise are not the same thing, but both are beneficial to your health. The same research has shown that those who used exercise that incorporated progressive resistance training, and cardiovascular training showed a greater improvement and maintenance of depression and anxiety.

Exercise for Depression and Anxiety

With that said, many people don’t seek out exercise because they don’t want to go to a gym or fitness facility due to their depression and anxiety. So what is the answer?
The answer is to utilize at-home fitness and exercise programs such as Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix, P90X, TurboFire, Insanity, and others that provide resistance and cardiovascular training in a planned and structured format. This progressive exercise combined with a structured plan, and where you don’t have to leave your home is great way to create that improvement or maintain that Exercise for Depression and Anxiety can bring to a person.
One of the other things that many people don’t have with going to the gym to exercise for depression and anxiety is support. With a Beachbody Club Membership, each person gets a FREE Coach to support him or her. This can be a great benefit to those who have to exercise for depression and anxiety. If you start with a Beachbody Premium Membership, you’re first 30 days is FREE, and it gives you access to Beachbody On-Demand, an amazing meal planner, and much more! After your free trial ends, you’ll continue to stream world-class programs, such as P90X®, P90X2®, P90X3®, INSANITY®, and more from our massive Beachbody Member Library.
So take advantage of exercise to provide benefits to your overall health, and to improve or manage depression and anxiety.
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Getting Fit
Getting Fit Together contributors are some of the brightest minds in the health, fitness, and wealth industry. Come back often to learn from our top contributors.


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

The confusion about carb. NO MORE..... This article helps explain  the questions you may have regarding carb selection.... Are carbs your enemy? Read more and you will have a different perspective when it come too carbohydrate.

Are Carbohydrates Bad? They make you fat right? Come on it must be true, you read articles about it all the time. So they must make you fat…right?
Here is the deal. There is one small problem, carbohydrates are very important. In fact, carbohydrates (especially the right kind) are essential to your body. They aid in muscle growth, providing energy, as well as providing your body many other benefits. So, Are Carbohydrates Bad? The answer is NO!
Now let’s be real. Lumping all carbs together into one category is like saying all quarterbacks who play in the NFL will be just like Joe Montana. It would be absurd to call all carbs bad when vegetables and fruits are also carbohydrates. With that said, I would have a hard time believing that you would think that a nutrition plan attempting to completely purge carbohydrates would be a good idea. I have a feeling you are a pretty smart cookie (oh, that would be a bad carb). So to suggest that all carbs are evil, is just plain nonsense.
Let’s take a step back and take a hard look at reality, compared to personal preference. I need to ask you a question. Are you willing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with the truth about carbohydrates? I am going to assume you said yes, either way I am going to give you the facts.

Are Carbohydrates Bad?

 Are Carbohydrates Bad? Will bread and grains make you fat? Uh, NO! Blanket statements just don’t work. The “don’t eat carbs” or “Carbohydrates are Bad” statements are just that, Blanket Statements. Statements like these just confuse the general public. The reason people get confused, is that most don’t have a nutrition background or truly understand what qualifies as a carbohydrate. 95% of us look at food as simply that, FOOD. All blanket statements have done is cause people to adjust their diets in a way that keeps their bodies from functioning properly. This is why many people have been going out of their way to avoid certain foods, like bread, rice or potatoes. When in fact, these foods can have a place in a balanced nutrition plan and can play a role in helping you lose weight or gain lean muscle.
Now you know that carbs as a whole are not bad, BUT there are certain types of carbs that are not good for your body. Generally, these types of carbs will make you feel bloated and tired. These types of carbs often contain processed sugars, corn syrup, or are white flour based foods, and the list can go one with all the other processed crap available. If you cannot grow it, or it doesn’t come from minimally processed whole grains, it is not good. Yep, simple as that.
It comes down to the food manufactures like to confuse people. If they can get the general public to buy into what they are saying about a particular food, macronutrient, or diet, they make money and lots of it.
So back to the question at hand… Are Carbohydrates Bad?
NO, but all of us could gain a better understanding to guide our eating habits. Eating vegetables and fruit, as well as high quality, high fiber grains are an important part of healthy nutrition. If you truly want a balanced healthy nutrition plan that will aid in weight loss or muscle gains you really need to have at least 100 to 200 grams per day depending on your daily level of physical activity and exercise.
The overall message is, you cannot consume bucket-loads of refined low quality carbohydrates and chase them down with and extra-large soda and say, “well they said carbs aren’t bad”. I know you are smarter than the average bear and understand that you need to choose your carbohydrates wisely to have a healthy nutrition plan. It is about eating more good foods such as lean proteins, colorful vegetables, a variety of fruits, high-fiber grains, healthy fats, and cutting out the highly processed garbage such as candy, soda, sugar-loaded foods, poor quality breads, and boatloads of pasta.
Another important factor is choosing the correct portions of the carbs you consume. This can be as important as the kind of carbs you choose to eat. Grain and fruit carbohydrates should be smaller portions than vegetable carbs. If you need assistance with nutrition, portion sizes, and proper balance of carbs, proteins, and fats you may want to check out the 21 Day Fix on Beachbody On Demand. It has an amazing nutrition plan that creates the perfect balance of nutrients and portions. If you struggle with cutting out the crap, you definitely want to take a look at adding a total nutrition shake like Shakeology.
When it’s all said and done, if you are eating healthy and choosing wisely 85-90 percent of the time your body will be happy, you will have energy, and you will lose weight, gain muscle or maintain depending on your goals. You now know the truth to the question “Are Carbohydrates Bad?”

Getting Fit


Monday, July 27, 2015

Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women

I never knew how important it is to have certain amount of protein in your diet daily. Come to find out Men and Women needs different amount of protein in their diet daily. Had to share that with you my friend.

What are the Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Women? The average man in the United States consumes about 100 grams of protein per day, while the average woman takes in approximately 70 grams, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The amount of protein you need daily really is dependent on your gender and activity level, as well as your goals because this determines your total caloric intake which has an effect on the amount of protein you need to consume.

Daily Protein Requirements for Men and Woman

The Institute of Health and Nutrition find that for general health, men should get around 56 grams of protein per day and that women should get around 46 grams. It is also important to know that the human body cannot properly utilize more than 20 grams of protein in one consumption. Therefore the grams should be spread out throughout the day in smaller doses. When consuming protein it needs to be of higher quality to ensure that you are getting the nine essential amino acids that are needed but your body cannot produce on its own. Meat, fish and poultry provide all of the amino acids, but if you are a vegetarian, you can combine foods, such as rice and beans, or whole-grain bread and peanut butter, to get a complete array of amino acids. Shakeology which is a total nutrition shake, will also provide all the nutrients you need from the protein to the amino acids. Including this shake in your daily nutrition will help you reach your protein needs without overloading the body with hard to digest animal proteins.
It is also recommend that 10 to 30 percent of your total calories comes from protein. This guideline is general and is dependent on goals. Example: 1,800 calories per day, 180 to 540 of those calories should be from protein. Each gram of protein is 4 calories. This would put your consumption at 45 to 135 grams of protein. This proves why it is dependent on gender, activity level, and personal goals.
Most People Get Too Much Protein
 To avoid weight gain, water retention and extra wear and tear on your digestive system, do not take in more protein than recommended. Your body will only use the protein it needs and can process at one time. If you are consuming more than your body needs, you will store it as excess fat, as well as eliminate it out. Therefore consuming to much at one time is bad for your body, and a waste of money. Eating large amounts of meat and animal protein each day can be especially unhealthy and hard on the body. Animal products should be eaten in moderation. Plant-based proteins, such as beans, whole grains and legumes are choices that keep the protein levels where you want them and provide a lot of other nutrients. Of course eating a variety of protein sources ensures your body balanced nutrition, all of the essential amino acids, and from being bogged down when there is too much of one food item.
Best Result with Your Protein Consumption
Most people don’t realize this, but the muscle gains and recovery do not come from just protein. You need to have a balanced proportion of proteins with complex carbohydrates for your body to actually assimilate the protein for muscle gains and recovery. Therefore you need to consume it in small amounts keeping the total grams in one sitting to 20, and couple that with carbohydrates that will allow for the proteins to be utilize. This why we mention plant based protein sources, as it give you both the protein and the carbohydrates.
If you are looking at supplements for help on getting good protein and carbohydrates you want to use something that is natural and does not have additives, artificial sugars, and ingredients. Some of the best, is the Super Food Shake Shakeology, or Beachbody’s Recharge and Recover Protein from their Performance Nutrition Line. These products are clean high quality protein sources that are perfectly balanced with carbohydrates for optimal assimilation of the protein and super nutrient dense carbohydrates to aid in the process of muscle gains, and recovery.
When you are providing your body the proper Macronutrient quantities, you will get the greatest results. Too much or too little will keep you from having the gains and results you are looking to obtain.
With the knowledge of protein requirements, and overall balanced nutrition, great things will happen for you.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How to Stay Fit and Healthy: What’s Your Mission?

This article is jam packed with some great info. If you or someone you know is struggling with health and fitness pay attention to this, and pass it on.
People often get overwhelmed when thinking about “How to Stay Fit and Healthy”. Staying Fit and Healthy really doesn’t have to be a big process. It is the little things that you can choose to do each day that add up to being fit and healthy. There are many elements to a healthy lifestyle and choosing to make several small health-conscious changes can make all the difference. Use these tips as a guide to help you start your journey to getting on or staying on the path of being Fit and Healthy.

 How to Stay Fit and Healthy

  1. Kick Your Bad Habits!
Start with just a few and work your way up. You know what bad habits are, and you know that you are choosing to do them. Put your health first! Make a list of all things in your life that you know to be unhealthy (i.e. smoking, drugs, drinking, high fat foods, high sugar foods, and more). Categorize the worse ones in a category of “Quit” and the others in the category of “Can have in moderation”. If you want to Stay Fit and Healthy you need to create your lists. Things on the moderation list are doable, as long as the majority (85-90%) of your choices are mindful and healthful. If you need help with making mindful healthy choices you may want to get a Free Coach that can help you stay on track and stay motivated with the changes you are making.
  1. Sleep
Sleep tremendously affects physical, emotional, and mental health. Many of us do not get enough. You really need a minimum of 6-8 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep adversely affects metabolism, mood, concentration, memory, motor skills, stress hormones, the immune system and cardiovascular system and health. Sleep allows the body to heal, repair and rejuvenate itself in a way it simply cannot when a person is awake.
  1. Exercise
Movement and exercise is an important part of being and staying fit and healthy. We are meant to move and be active. Cardiovascular exercise helps to strengthen the heart and lungs. Strength/Resistance training helps to strengthen the muscles. Balance and Flexibility and Stretching helps aid in body mobility, recovery, and reduces the risk of injury. Exercise also improves circulation, body awareness, and can help in combating depression, as well as other diseases. Beachbody offers many amazing exercise programs that incorporate strength, cardiovascular, and stretching. These programs are set up to progress your fitness in a safe manner, and you can do them from the comfort of your home.
  1. Eat Healthfully
Making fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains the main part of your overall diet can really help you Stay Fit and Healthy. You may also include lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tempeh, and beans. Eating balanced and portioned meals is what helps you balance a Fit and Healthy life. It is also good to stop eating before you feel very full. Give yourself a chance to digest your food and take in the nutrients. You also want to each 5-6 smaller meals throughout the day. This would be your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. A healthy breakfast is needed to start your day off right. It sets you up and gives you the energy and fuel for optimal mental and physical performance. Eating breakfast will help you maintain blood sugar levels, healthy weight and you will be less likely to overindulge later in the day. When thinking about snacks, you want to eat whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts or a total nutrition shake like Shakeology. Avoid highly processed foods that contain artificial sweeteners or colors, hidden sugars or excessive fat.

 How to Stay Fit and Healthy

  1. Drink Water
The majority of our bodies are made of water. Most fresh fruits and vegetables contain water that will help to keep our bodies hydrated, but fresh, clean, plain water is still the best and healthiest beverage for maintaining a healthy hydrated body. It is the most natural cleanser for our organs and digestive system. Being hydrated is crucial for proper brain function, proper physical function, as well as for helping to flush toxins out through the skin (perspiration) and urine.
  1. Reduce Stress
Stress can cause a myriad of problems, from heart trouble to digestive problems. Many people do not know how to manage their stress. The best forms of managing stress is regular exercise, healthy nutrition, meditation, doing things you enjoy, appropriate boundaries, spirituality, and being in nature. All of these things can help alleviate the harmful effects of stress on the body. It is also important to take breaks (vacations, mini-vacations, days off), and surround yourself with people who support you.
  1. Express Yourself
It is not healthy to keep emotions bottled up inside. This can lead to mental and emotional stress, as well as physical symptoms. Unexpressed feelings and emotions have been known to be a cause to depression, sleep problems, eating disorders, and even physical pain. Learn to talk about your feelings and emotions, or express them through some sort of art. Another good tool is writing down thoughts and feelings. This is a good way to express things you may find hard to say.
  1. Consistency and Moderation
In order to maintain a Fit and Healthy lifestyle, it is important to have consistency. Consistency will lead to the big picture results you want to obtain. Again, remember to make changes one at a time. Don’t make too many changes at once or you will risk relapsing into old habits. Making these choices and having them be a part of your daily life will help you to reach your health goals.
Now you know How to Stay Healthy and Fit. Implement these few suggestions and you will be on the road to success!


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Healthy Dinner Ideas: Easy Peasy!

Wow you can never go wrong with these recipes. This article takes the guess out on what's for dinner. all I can say I'm about to try all of them. Click the link below to access a whole week of healthy recipes

Are you breaking into cold sweats because summer is just around the corner and you are thinking about bikinis and shorts? Well you’re definitely not alone. How about coming up with Healthy Dinner Ideas? Fear not! You haven’t missed the boat yet. You can get your body back into summer shape and you can still do it the good old-fashioned way, with balanced nutrition and exercise. The best part is unlike the old days, you don’t have to spend months and months waiting for results. If you couple these healthy dinner ideas with workouts like The 21 Day Fix Extreme, you’ll be summer-ready in a few weeks.

Healthy Dinner Ideas: Easy Peasy!

Check out this seven day healthy dinner idea meal plan:

Monday: Quinoa Salad with Salmon:
  •        8-ounce Salmon fillet (skin-on)
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 cup uncooked Quinoa
  • 1 cup halved grape tomatoes
  • 1 cubed cucumber
  • 1/2 cup red onion (optional)
  • 1/2 cup chopped basil
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Cook Quinoa according to box directions. Season salmon, heat a tablespoon of oil over high heat. Cook the salmon skin side down for 2 minutes. Lower heat to medium and cook for 3-4 more minutes until skin is golden. Flip salmon and cook 2 more minutes. Remove salmon from heat, flake apart, and add all ingredients including cooked quinoa to a bowl. Gently stir all ingredients together.

Tuesday: Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Lean Turkey Meat Sauce
  • 1 lb. lean turkey
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • tsp. garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 jar prepared spaghetti sauce
  • 1 lb. whole wheat spaghetti noodles
Saute’ onion for five minutes in olive oil, add ingredients through 5, and boil noodles in salted water per box directions. Serve one cup of noodles with one cup of sauce.

Wednesday: Turkey Taco Salad
  • 1 lb. lean ground turkey
  • 1 package of Lawry’s Taco Seasoning
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 can vegetarian fat-free refried beans or black beans
  • 1 cup low-fat shredded mexican cheese blend
  • 1 cup prepared salsa or pico de gallo
  • 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream
  • 1 bag shredded lettuce (lettuce of your choice)
Sauté turkey in olive oil with seasonings until brown. Heat beans. Assemble with lettuce as the base, top with taco meat, beans, cheese, salsa, and sour cream. Enjoy!

Thursday: Grilled Pork Loin Medallions with Garlic Lemon-Pepper Asparagus
  • 1 pound boneless pork loin cut into 1/4 inch medallions
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 1 tbsp. lemon-pepper seasoning
Cut and season pork. Heat a grill pan with 1 tbsp. olive oil. Add pork to grill pan and grill for 3 minutes on the first side, and 2 minutes on the other side. Add asparagus to a large saute pan with 1 cup of water for 5 minutes. Drain water, add remaining olive oil, and season with minced garlic and lemon-pepper seasonings. Cook about 2 more minutes or until desired level of doneness.

Friday: Grilled Chicken with broccoli and corn
  • 1 cup Lawry’s Herb & Garlic 30 minute marinade
  • 2 boneless skinless chicken breast
  • 1 tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 ears of corn
  • 2 cups of broccoli
Marinate chicken for 30 minutes. Shuck corn and lightly coat with olive oil then wrap corn in foil. Add marinated chicken to a hot grill along with foil wrapped corn. Grill chicken until a meat thermometer reads 160 degrees. Corn needs about 15 minutes. Steam broccoli for five minutes while allowing the chicken breasts to rest.

Saturday: Summer Spaghetti with Light Caprice Salad
  • 1 lb. angel hair or spaghetti (thin spaghetti) noodles
  • sliced summer squash
  • sliced zucchini
  • 2 carrots (shaved or peeled into thin strips)
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 container cherry or grape tomatoes halved
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 2 large beefsteak tomatoes
  • 1/3 cup low-fat mozzarella cheese
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste
Boil salted water. Saute ingredients 2-5 in a tbsp. of olive oil for 6 minutes. Add cherry tomatoes and half of the amount of basil for 2 minutes. Add noodles to water, boil no more than 6 minutes. Drain noodles and add to saute pan. Add tbsp. olive oil. Toss to combine.
Cut remaining basil into strips. Slice beefsteak tomatoes, sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and basil strips, drizzle with remaining oil, 1/4 cup of balsamic vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste.
Sunday: Sirloin Steak Kabobs with Grilled Polenta
  • 1 lb. boneless sirloin steak cut into cubes
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 squash
  • 1 pint cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 18 ounce tube prepared polenta
Cut vegetables (other than tomatoes) and meat into even 1 inch pieces to ensure they cook at the same rate. Prepare kebabs alternating with meat and vegetables. Drizzle with 1/8 cup of olive oil, and season with salt and pepper. Cut polenta into 1/4 inch medallions, drizzle with oil, and season with salt and pepper. Cook polenta and kebabs on a hot grill. Start polenta first, after about 10 minutes add kebabs. Grill about 5 minutes per side.
Having a Beachbody isn’t out of reach this summer! Try these Healthy Dinner Ideas and you will be energized and be able to conquer any fitness routine and make your goals a reality.
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Getting Fit
Getting Fit Together contributors are some of the brightest minds in the health, fitness, and wealth industry. Come back often to learn from our top contributors

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

Are you a busy mom? Do you feel like you can't fit in a workout? I used most of the ideas in this article about 2 years ago and I am STILL using them today. If you want to lose 5 to 10lbs and read on.

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

Let’s face it…  Trying to figure out the best workout programs for busy women can be a HUGE challenge!  You have an active schedule and we know that you often have a busy life that keeps you dashing from place to place all day long. With a hectic schedule it is hard to fit in a visit to the gym. Plus the truth is, a lot of days you most likely don’t have the self-motivation get there. Waking up in the morning over an hour early just to cram in thirty minutes at the gym, doesn’t appeal to most. Heading to the gym on your lunch break, how does that sound? We all know that only works if the gym is close enough to your office to make that realistic. Then you have the stay-at-home moms who try to fit their workouts in between nap times, snacks, and all the responsibilities that come with being the parent home with the children all day. We get it! Sometimes it feels like you’re never going to find the time to get back in the shape you desire.
Let’s get real! You need a workout that will fit into your schedule and allow you to tone your body, trim your waistline, and get in shape from the privacy of your own home. There’s no need to go to the gym and waste 30-60 minutes of your time round trip to sort of get a workout. So how do you get the best workout? Beachbody On-Demand!

The Best Workout Programs for Busy Women

It offers the best videos for women and men, all gathered in one place. You have easy access 24/7, and all you have to do is choose the routine that works best for you (or design your own routine based around a selection of several different videos). Beachbody On-Demand offers plenty of workouts that are easy to incorporate into any schedule. Your biggest decision is to choose the time that works best for you! You can pull up any of a selection of videos and get your workout in whenever and wherever you want. Yes that is what I said…You can work out anywhere. Beachbody On-Demand can be streamed on your smart phone, tablet, or laptop. Simply log-in and access the library of programs.
You can choose from some of the most popular programs like P90X®, P90X2®, P90X3®, INSANITY®, TurboFire®, ChaLEAN Extreme®, Brazil Butt Lift®, 10-Minute Trainer®, and Hip Hop Abs®. All of them are available in the library for you to stream at your convenience. Another great feature is you get insider sneak peeks. With these sneak peeks you get access to try programs like PiYo®, 21 Day Fix®, Body Beast®, or FOCUS T25®. Plus, new titles are added to the library each month, so you’ll never run out of fun, exciting new workout routines that will help you get results. You get all of this for one low monthly fee.
It is time to stop feeling like you will never find a workout program that works for you. It is time to stop wasting money on gym membership. It is time to stop wasting time driving to and from the gym. Beachbody and the Beachbody Challenge is what you need to get results and save you time and money. Beachbody programs allow you to work out from home (saving time and money), get access to nutrition and meal planning membership benefits, and provides you with a FREE health, fitness, and nutrition coach. Tell me what gym membership ever gave you a FREE Coach?
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Monday, July 13, 2015

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

These tips on this article are very helpful. The one I really took away from it was to stay away from packaged food so you can stick to a healthy balanced diet. Read this article and COMMENT below what tips you liked best.

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

By on June 4, 2015

Everyone knows that you and your kids are supposed to be eating a “healthy balanced diet”. That’s great, but “What Is A Balanced Diet?” How exactly is a healthy balanced diet different from what most people eat? While you ultimately have to decide what the best nutrition is for you based on your lifestyle, goals, and choices, but there are several things that hold true.
A healthy balanced diet is filled with as many “real foods” as possible. That means foods that haven’t been filled with chemicals, including artificial colors and flavorings. If it comes in a box, no matter how “all natural” it is, you’re probably better off not buying it.

What Is a Balanced Diet? Here’s Your Sign!

Choosing the path of a healthy balanced diet is a lifestyle change, and can take some practice. Here are some great suggestions to get you started on your path to a healthy balanced diet.
A good way to start is to slowly eliminate packaged food to foods and meals that you create. There are a number of recipes available that will allow you to make your own foods and meals that only take few minutes up front. Another idea to keep in mind is “mason jar” recipes. These recipes allow you to prepare your meals ahead for maximum convenience while still staying on your healthy balanced diet. These recipes include salads, oatmeal’s, and more. There are plenty of other options that will allow you to put together your favorite foods once and enjoy them for up to a week without any further effort.
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Never deprive yourself of any food group. This doesn’t mean that you should be chowing down on unhealthy snacks and high-fat foods. It does mean that you shouldn’t limit yourself to fruits, vegetables, and lean meats all the time, either. It is okay to have a splurge item every once in a while. Rule of thumb eat balanced 90% of the time and you will be on the right track. Focus on eating a wide variety of foods so your body gets all of the nutrients it needs and that you are not depriving yourself of something that you really need in order to function at your optimal level.
Foods that you should be limiting are refined grains and added sugar. Added sugar, in particular, can be hard to catch! Many foods that you buy prepackaged or at restaurants contain added sugar content to help them taste better or to cover up the taste of other additives, which is one of the reasons why it’s often better to cook your own when possible. Refined grains process through your body very quickly and are turned into sugar. Whole grains, on the other hand, will keep the nutritional content of the wheat intact.
Eat the rainbow. No, not that popular candy that comes complete with a week’s supply of sugar and enough artificial colors to take you to the moon and back. Rather, eat a “rainbow” of fruits and vegetables. Different colors tend to indicate that the fruits or vegetables have similar nutrients in them. That means that you should fill your plate with all sorts of different tones. Not only is it pretty (which, according to research, will make you enjoy eating it even more), it also contains a variety of different nutrients.
Control your portion sizes. A good rule of thumb is to start by dividing the portion you would normally eat in half. To help control your portions, pay attention when you’re eating. Don’t plop down in front of your television or computer screen; instead, concentrate on the process of eating. Enjoy the flavor and texture of your foods instead of mindlessly shoveling your meal down before going back for more. Also, use this old trick: use a smaller plate to help your portions seem larger.
Try not to drink your calories with soda and other similar drinks. You often don’t realize how many calories there really are in your favorite coffee drink or that soda that you drink by the bottle, but it can pack on the pounds fast. When possible, drink water–and lots of it! Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do for your body. The only caloric drink that would be highly recommended is a total nutrition shake. These can be used for a healthy snack or meal replacement when used with a recipe.
Implement these suggestions and you will be on your way to creating a healthy balanced diet that fits your lifestyle.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

In this article, I usually do numbers 2,3, and 4!! Does anyone else find themselves doing those as well? This article is right on the money especially if you're a traveler. It's very hard to eat healthy while you are on the road. Click below to find some tips on how to eat healthy when you are away from home.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Eating healthy while traveling can be intimidating. Potential weight gain and feeling sluggish doesn’t have to be a part of your travel plans. As we all know, eating healthy on the road can be a challenge. It is easy to load up on the food that is easily accessible, and most of your meals will come from restaurants. Which all can lead to potential weight gain, sluggishness, and detriment to our bodies. So ultimately it will take a bit of pre-travel preparation on your part to make things a bit easier, which is absolutely worth it.
Here are a few suggestions. It truly starts with planning! If you are prepared you won’t be at the mercy of airplane meals or roadside food services. Packing a variety of snacks that easily transport can be as easy as packing all of your other belongings.
  1. Handmade individual trail mixes. You can custom make trail mix blends based on what nutrients your body needs.
  2. Pre-packaged trail mixes (choose clean, whole organic ingredients).
  3. Nuts and Dried fruits
  4. Healthy Meal Replacement Shake
  5. Raw food bars or good nutritious bars with clean ingredients
  6. Bananas, oranges, nectarines, and fruits that have an outer layer that protects the inner food.
Check out and download our book with other tips for eating healthy while traveling. 


  1. It is always good to eat a healthy filling meal like a salad with lots of vegetables and some protein, or a vegetable burrito prior to your travel, so it can carry you for a bit longer of time frame.
  2. When eating at restaurants be sure to look for a health conscious salads and other grilled meats and vegetable options at mealtimes.
  3. Be sure to drink plenty of clean water while traveling. Your body needs the additional fluids to stay hydrated and properly digest the foods when it is out of your ordinary nutrition consumption.

How to Eat Healthy While Traveling

Even with all of these preparations, eating healthy on the road while traveling can be difficult. You may find that eating less while traveling is helpful, in fact you can use traveling time as opportunity to fast a bit, and/or eat a vegetarian diet. It is a good way to give your digestive system a break for a few days. Though it can be challenging to find healthy foods outside of the home, do not be discouraged. There certainly are a number of products that can carry you through your travels.
Need help finding your way? How about an on-line meal planner, nutrition guide, health and nutrition coach, and 150 of Beachbody’s Top Rated Fitness Programs Streaming to your cell phone, pad device, or laptop for $2.99 per week, and you’re first month is FREE!


Friday, July 3, 2015

Strength Training Exercises: Without a Gym Membership

There are many advantages to having access to Beachbody on Demand , been able to choose from a variety of workout programs and to workout just about anywhere are two of the top features. Read and Share this Info ...

With your busy schedule, you don’t always have time to get to the gym. Whether you’re working full time outside the home, working from home, or a stay-at-home spouse or parent, your schedule is packed with things that you need to get done. That is understandable but that shouldn’t prevent you from being healthy and having the body you’ve always wanted. Strength Training Exercises can be accomplished right in your living room, or any other room in your house. No fancy gym equipment needed, and Without a Gym Membership!
Simply pick a Beachbody On-Demand program that works for you. With Beachbody On-Demand you can fit your workout in no matter what time of day it is, and you can do it anywhere. One of the best things about the Beachbody On-Demand programs, is there is something for every fitness level. Each program as a modifier for each exercise and will show you how to perform the exercises correctly to avoid injury. No matter what your fitness level, beginner to super experienced there is a Beachbody On-Demand program that will work for you.

Strength Training Exercises: Without a Gym Membership

Ideally, you want a program that will challenge you without pushing you too hard. Most of the at-home strength training programs progress at the level that is needed to give you that push. Of course you can always use the modifier if necessary to fit your current activity level. You can choose body weight exercises, or try a workout that uses weights, bands, or other basic tools that you might already have sitting in your home. Of course if you are just getting started and don’t want to commit to buying equipment you can always use canned food or water bottles for hand weights.
gft bod banner not just workouts
If it’s been a while since you last engaged in regular exercise, it’s probably unrealistic to expect yourself to dive in to exercising five or more days per week. If this is the case it would be suggested to start with a basic exercise program that allows you to get in some strength training two or three days per week. It is would also be recommended that you follow the calendar for the program to help keep you on track. Be sure to give yourself small rewards for staying on track. Maybe there’s a movie that you’ve been desperate to see or a book that you’ve been waiting to read. Promise yourself that if you stay on track with your strength training program for an entire week, you’ll allow yourself that treat.
Mix it up! With the huge library offered by Beachbody On-Demand, you can easily access different programs and workouts that will keep your routine fresh and interesting. Having a steady regimen for 3-4 weeks and then changing it up is always a good thing. This can help create greater results.
Workouts and strength training through Beachbody On-Demand is an easy way to get in shape from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to go anywhere and it will save you some money by not having a gym membership or driving to the gym. All you need is a television, tablet, or computer and a commitment to getting in better shape. What more could you ask for?
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Often Should I Eat?

Must read, who would think that you can lose weight by eating more  than just the traditional three square meals  a day. This article explains how it can be done.

How Often Should I Eat? Let’s face it, since the dawn of man the rule for consumption of food was simply to eat to survive. Well our modern society and lifestyle has changed and flipped that simple process.
Obesity rates continue to grow and will be affecting more than two-thirds of Americans in the next 5-10 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So you can see the simple rule has flipped and it appears that humans survive so they can eat.
Through the years we have seen nutrition and diet science, and programs change their design about what foods best suit our needs as a society, but you don’t hear about when to eat. The question that seem to arise most often is “How Often Should I Eat?”
The most popular approach to the question of How Often Should I Eat for general health and weight maintenance has been to spread calories throughout the day by consuming 5-6 smaller meals. The concept of doing this method is that you are most likely to feel less hungry at any particular time, and in turn you will not be apt to over indulge or eat in excess.
A study found in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, shows data on this approach. It states that people who were of their ideal weight and able to maintain their weight reported eating more often than individuals who were overweight and obese.

How Often Should I Eat?

The overall hypothesis is eat small meals and snacks spread out every 3- 3 ½ hours from the time of breakfast. This proves to keep you sustained which avoids greater levels of hunger, and will limit overeating. Therefore control of caloric intake and, ultimately control of body weight.
Though we know that eating throughout the day with 5-6 smaller meals can benefit for weight maintenance, how does is measure up for weight loss.
According to a study done by Circadian Biologist Ph.D. Amandine Chaix, consuming meals 5-6 times throughout the day can aid in weight loss, but it needs to be meals that are healthy and portioned appropriately. It was found that if the foods were high-fat, sugar or highly processed that the individuals still became obese. The complete findings found that those fed in the 9-12 hour window with 5-6 smaller meals that were portioned and low in processed, high fat, and high sugar were leaner. “So, already being obese and switching to time-restricted feeding with healthier foods and portions, does create weight loss. That is powerful.” Chaix said.
The research of meal timing shows further benefits in addition to those who want to lose weight and maintain their weight, especially as it relates to the consumption of protein.
When spreading the protein consumption throughout the day in smaller doses the body is able to assimilate and use the protein for greater gains and recovery of the muscle tissue. This can help maintain muscle loss during weight loss, and through the aging process.

How Often Should I Eat?

The answer is 5-6 smaller meals per day. Spaced out every 3-3 ½ hours after the consumption of breakfast. Though you must also keep in mind that for weight loss and maintenance the number of calories at each meal and throughout the day still plays a very large role in this process.
If you are trying to lose weight, you need to consume smaller meals spread throughout the day, create a calorie deficit through portioned meals, and exercising appropriately 5-6 times per week. If you need assistance in implementing a meal plan and exercise regimen that will keep you eating throughout the day and exercising appropriately, Beachbody’s 21 Day Fix combines all of this in one package and you get a FREE Coach to help keep you on track and motivated.
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

Everyone needs to detox sometimes, now there's good news. We don't have to worry  if you can go to work while cleansing your body. Continue reading the article for more info.

A 3 Day Detox Cleanse is the latest hype for kicking off a healthy lifestyle. The question is…are they really good and are they healthy.
Everyone wants to see results fast! Kick starting the weight loss process can help you feel better about yourself and where the process is going go. Unfortunately, many so-called cleanses are not that healthy and leave you feeling sluggish, slow, and deprived. Juice fasts and liquid cleanses tax your body. They’re hard on your organs and create a rebound effect when you return to normal eating. In general, the weight lost from these types of cleanses are really just water weight. Sure, it works to get you into a special dress for a party or your skinny jeans for a special date, but you want long-term results that will keep your body healthy and make you look and feel better than ever.

3 Day Detox Cleanse: A Healthy One

Well you no longer have to feel that way or have those issues when doing a detox cleanse. The 3 Day Refresh is a healthy cleanse that may help flatten your belly and fit into your clothes better while still giving your body the vital nutrients it needs in order to function.

Here’s how it works:

The 3 Day Refresh is simple. You start off your day with a serving of Shakeology and a fruit for breakfast. Shakeology comes in six different flavors, so not only will you be able to find one that you’ll love, there are over 101 recipes that you can create!. Mid-morning you will use the Fiber Sweep Drink. No worries, it is not one of those run to the bathroom drinks. Then for lunch you will enjoy a variety of vegetables, a healthy fat, a fruit and drink the Vanilla Fresh Protein Shake which is packed full of nutrients and protein that your body needs. In the afternoon you will have an afternoon snack of vegetables and a choice off the healthy fats list. You will then finish out the day with dinner. Dinner will include a selection from one of the many amazing meal recipes and a second Vanilla Fresh shake. This program is designed to help naturally remove waste and toxins from your body. You feel full, satisfied, and ready to take on your day with more energy and enthusiasm than ever before.

Can it be done more than once?

The 3 Day Refresh is a fantastic program that is designed to rid your body of impurities. It’s not designed as a long-term solution, and therefore should not be repeated over and over again. Though you may do the 3 Day Refresh quarterly or even on a monthly basis to kick off each month. It has been reported that people who have used it more than once find themselves losing more weight and finding more energy each time.
3 day refresh banner


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Understand Why You May Be Gaining Weight While on a Low Fat Diet

I learned if you want to lose weight there is no need to go on a low fat diet, here you will find the dos and the don'ts. Share this article with others.

When it comes to losing weight, most people turn to a low fat diet thinking that is the best route to go. However there really is no reason to go on a low fat diet, or an all meat diet, or any other fad diet that is out there. Losing weight is about eating balanced nutrition. Fad diets will only create weight loss for a short period of time if at all. It typically just leads to yo-yoing, and most gain all their weight back or more.
First thing you want to be doing is paying attention to your nutrition and portion sizes even when you don’t have weight to lose. This helps you maintain your weight and prevention is always better than having to lose the weight. Ultimately you are here because you do have some weight to lose. Here are a few tips that will help you make sure that you have an understanding why you may have put on weight but also information about putting the right nutrition into your body.

Understand Why You May Be Gaining Weight While on a Low Fat Diet

The first thing you want to figure out is exactly why you’re gaining weight. What have you been doing or not been doing that could have led to the weight gain? Are you exercising or exercising less? Are you taking any new medications? Did you start taking birth control? Do you suffer from hypothyroidism? These are all things that can lead to gaining weight. Understanding where you weight gain is coming from will help you establish a path of nutrition that will work best for you.

Dos and Don’ts of Balanced Nutrition

  1. Fast Food. Everyone knows that eating fast food is bad for you. Most fast food meals contain more than a thousand calories, which would consist of half or more of your total calorie intake for a day.
  2. Fried Foods and Desserts. You need to think about whether you’re the kind of person who tends to splurge on fried foods or sweets. Figure out your weaknesses and you’ll know what you need to avoid most of the time.
  3. Late Night Snacking. A good recommendation is to not eat two hours prior to bedtime. Snacking late at night can pack on the pounds.
  1. Keeping a journal. If you’re not entirely sure where you’re going wrong, you can figure this out by keeping a journal of everything you eat.
  2. Eat 5-6 Smaller Meals Every 3-4 hours. This will keep your metabolism working properly and keep you from being very hungry, which can lead to unneeded snacking or choosing snacks that may not be healthy.
  3. Sleep 7-8 Hours Every Night. This will help to keep your hormone ghrelin at optimal levels. Excess levels may result in weight gain.
  4. Utilize a Total Nutrition Shake for a Snack or Meal Replacement. High quality total nutrition shakes can provide you all of your daily nutritional, and make a great snack or meal replacement when used in a recipe to meet your caloric needs. Shakeology is a high quality nutrition shake that has been known to increase your energy, make you feel healthier, as well as improve digestion and regularity. Plus Shakeology comes in six different flavors and tastes amazing.
  5. Cut out the unhealthy foods. With that said find replacements for those foods that really do satisfy you. Check out some of these healthy meal and snack ideas.
So no fad diet is needed. You will stop gaining weight and lose weight by creating a healthy balanced nutrition plan that you enjoy.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Workout Routines for Women: Change Focus from Thin to Toned

This article emphasizes the importance of how to  combine a variety of workout routines for maximum results.

Unfortunately, it should not be focused this way. If you work out with the right program that combines lifting weights and cardio you will create a healthy body that is toned and the proper weight. When that is the focus, that will create the appropriate weight and a healthy toned body. Remember success is not always the number on the scale, but really about how your clothes fit. As you lose weight and gain muscle your weight will fluctuate but it is what your body composition is doing that makes all the difference.

Workout Routines for Women: Change Focus from Thin to Toned

When you’re designing a workout plan, you should make sure that you incorporate weight lifting and other toning exercises. In fact, the most effective plan is to have cardio, resistance training, and a balanced nutrition plan.
Here’s good news, there are plenty of workouts that can be accomplished without the need to buy special workout equipment. If you have comfortable clothing that’s easy to move in and good athletic shoes, you’re already good to go! Using your body weight can be a good way to begin a training routine that will shape and tone your body.
So how do you get started? With a proper warm-up of course. A good warm up with calisthenics and dynamics moves is always the way to go. This means lightly jogging in place for a few minutes; do some jumping jacks; or turn on your favorite music and dance.
Now it is time to move on to an exercise routine that focuses on toning and cardio, or toning one day and cardio the next. The more you mix it up, the more likely you are to have results. A couple of options for fast results include the 21 Day Fix, which is designed to get you toned and back into shape fast. There is also Beachbody On-Demand which gives you access to a vast library of programs that allows you to find a workout that best suits your goals. Beachbody On-Demand allows you to change things up whenever you get bored. This will help keep you moving and motivate you to achieve your goals.
Finish it out with a Cool down. Once you’ve completed your worked out you don’t want to just stop. Instead, take a few minutes to stretch, relieving the tension in muscles that you’ve just worked hard.
Utilizing these program suggestions will help shift your focus from simply weight loss to toning. This shift will help you reach your goals and gain greater results.


Friday, June 12, 2015

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Many people believe in other to eat healthy you have to spend tons of money ,this article explains that is not the case, very useful information that you can SHARE with friends.

Eating healthy on a budget may often feel like an impossible challenge when you start walking through the grocery store. You look at the cost of healthy food, and start to wonder whether or not it’s really worth it. It is worth it, and YOU can eat healthy on a budget. You can fill your shopping cart with food that will fuel your mind and body without breaking the bank. The trick is to know how to do it.

Eating Healthy On A Budget – Yes, It is Possible!

Here are a couple tips to get you headed in the right direction.
  1. Have vegetarian days. Reduce the amount of meat you’re eating. When you reduce your meat consumption, you also reduce the amount of money that you’re spending, which in turn frees up funds in your budget for other healthy choices.
  1. Don’t buy pre-packaged food if you can avoid it. The healthiest nutrition is one that consists of natural, whole foods that have been acquired in their original state. That “fat free” or “low fat” packaged foods might be tempting, but they are packed full of artificial colors and flavors, not to mention being high in sodium and high in chemical compositions that you cannot even pronounce. You will be surprised by the budget difference when you pick up the individual ingredients for your favorite healthy treats instead of buying them ready-made for you. A good example is a container of hummus that costs around $4 can be made from a can of low-sodium beans ($1) and a handful of other ingredients that you may already have sitting around your home. Ready-to-serve oatmeal packets cost twice as much per serving than if you buy a big canister of oatmeal and sweeten it with honey. Plus it is just flat out healthier for you.
  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. The high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables will actually help you feel full longer, which means that you’ll be less likely to come back and snack later. By adding fruits and vegetables to your nutrition, you not only decrease the amount that you’re eating, you also substantially increase your consumption of healthy nutrients that your body needs to function at its optimal level.
  1. Explore alternative sources of protein. Try out nut butters, beans, and Tempeh for healthier alternatives to eating large amounts of meat. Beans and Tempeh, in particular, are much less expensive but still have great nutritional benefits.
There are plenty of ways to stay within your budge and eat healthy. These are just a few strategies you can use to reduce your total at the grocery store.
No time for breakfast?  Check out 101 Healthy Nutritious Shake Recipes http://www.gettingfittogether.com/eating-healthy-on-a-budget-yes-it-is-possible/#!479

Monday, June 8, 2015

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

When you start on your weight loss journey, one of the greatest challenges you may face is learning how to create and find Healthy Snacks that will help you with your Weight Loss. While you can alter your existing nutrition by removing unhealthy food you still need to some of those voids with other foods. Creating and purchasing healthy snacks doesn’t have to be complicated, nor does it have to require a lot of time and preparation.

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

If you’re looking for a fast and portable solutions to healthy snacking you definitely want to check out these health snacks. Here are examples of 10 great snacks, but check out the complete list of Healthy Snacks.

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

1. Mini tostada
Spread ¼ cup of nonfat refried beans on a small tortilla. Top with shredded lettuce, diced tomato, and a sprinkle of your favorite cheese.
2. Frozen grapes
Freeze 1 cup of grapes and enjoy them as if they’re sorbet.
3. Greek yogurt with honey
Mix one teaspoon of honey into half a cup of plain, nonfat Greek yogurt.
4. Cinnamon apple
Sprinkle an apple with cinnamon for a treat that tastes more decadent than it is.
5. Strawberries and chocolate
Dip 4 or 5 (depending on their size) strawberries into 2 squares of melted dark chocolate.
6. Almost apple pie
Try 1 cup of unsweetened applesauce with a hint of cinnamon.
7. Jicama Chop
one and a half cups of jicama and add a splash of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for a tangy, refreshing treat.
8. Café Au Lait
Enjoy 8 ounces of skim milk with a shot of espresso.
9. Carrots with hummus
Crunch on 9 or 10 baby carrots with a side of 2 tablespoons of hummus.
10. Nuts
A handful of 25 pistachios, 14 almonds, or 16 peanuts makes for a nice “good” fat and protein snack.
Another superior snack that can help keep you on track and aid in weight loss and muscle gain is Shakeology. The great thing about Shakeology it is designed with the perfect balance of all your nutritional needs. You don’t have to worry about designing that perfect balance, and you get all vitamins and minerals as well. Plus it can fulfill that sweet tooth craving and in general will help curb your other cravings, and give you more energy. There are hundred different healthy shake recipes, so you will never get bored.
It is not about keeping yourself deprived, it is about choosing foods that will properly fuel your body, provide nutrients, taste good, and satisfy you. Also keep in mind that eating every 3-4 hours is also important in helping you stay on track and choosing wisely. Most tend to not choose healthy foods when they over hungry. Keep in mind that you never want to deny yourself a meal and it is also important to eat something small following an intense workout. Again Shakeology is always a good suggestion for post workout. It provides the right amount of proteins and nutrients for great post workout recovery.
Keep it simple. Just be prepared and never leave home without the snacks and packets of Shakeology. Making sure that you snack have your snacks and that you are eating every 3-4 hours will keep your mind and body happy and healthy. Healthy snacking is part of any good nutrition plan because it keeps you in tune with your body’s needs and demands. Don’t feel guilty about your snacks, just choose for your health.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

Very interesting info on what kind of snack we should have in between meals without over doing it. What is your favorite healthy snack? Share this article with someone you care about.


Most of us tend to think that if we eat three balanced meals everyday, our diet is taken care of.  However, it’s easy for unhealthy foods to creep in while you’re snacking.  Let’s say you eat breakfast before you leave home at about eight o’clock.  You’re not going to have lunch until at least one, maybe even two if you get caught up in work.  That’s nearly five or six hours during which your body will need some sustenance.  Most of us just end up taking a trip to the vending machine but how long are you going to feed yourself chips and candy before your body starts to rebel, in terms of digestive problems as well as gaining weight?  Instead, it’s a good idea to pack two healthy snacks per day, one for that mid-morning meal and another for the mid-afternoon.  Here are Five Healthy Snacks For Work that won’t be difficult to carry:

Healthy Snacks For Work: FIVE You’re Going to Love!

  1. An Apple and a Tablespoon of Almond Butter.  You can store a jar of almond butter at work and carry an apple with you.  Make sure you also keep a knife at work so that you can slice the apple and spread the almond butter when you feel hungry.  And store the almond butter in a dry area.  An apple contains 116 calories and one tablespoon of almond butter contains 102 calories.  So this is a pretty low-calorie snack containing approximately 200 calories.
  2. Whole Wheat Pita Bread and Hummus.  If you’re in the mood for more carbs and less fruits or vegetables, you can go with whole wheat pita bread and hummus.  Whole Living recommends this as one of the best snacks to take to work, as it comes up to about 187 calories per serving.  If you like cooking, you can even make up a batch of hummus and then eat it for 3-4 days.  Store both items in your work refrigerator and enjoy whenever you need a boost.
  3. Whole Grain Cereal with Berries.  This is another thing it would be easy to store at work.  Just pick up a box of whole grain cereal, a box of berries and some skim milk on your way to work.  Store the perishables in your work refrigerator and the whole grain cereal in a dry place.  This gives you a lot of fiber and a little bit of sugar for a much needed pick me up.
  4. Energy Bar.  This is one you have to really be careful with… You can use store bought energy bars, but as always you would be better off creating your own. Here is a quick and easy Homemade Energy Bar Recipe. If you don’t have time to make homemade bars, then here is what to look for when purchasing store bought bars. It is suggested that you look for bars that have more than 8 grams of protein per serving.  You also want to look for bars that have 3-4 grams of fiber per serving, 10 grams or less sugar, and stay away from artificial sweeteners like Sucralose, or maltodextrin.  The advantage of nutrition bars is that they are easy to transport.  However if you are using nutritional bars you do not want to rely solely on them as your snacks. You want to make sure that at least one of your daily snacks contains fruits or veggies.
  5. Meal Replacement Shake.  For an easy snack which requires no preparation, you can try a meal replacement shake such as Shakeology.  Store these at work and grab one mid-morning for a filling, nutritious, tasty snack.  You’ll end up feeling energized all day long.  Or if you opt to drink one in the afternoon instead, it’ll help you shake off that afternoon lethargy.  There are many delicious shake recipes as well, that are easy-to-make.  Surveys show that shakes such as Shakeology make people feel healthier, improve their regularity and increase their energy levels.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

This article is very interesting , we should all know that the best way to lose weight is doing lots of cardio workouts , some weight and proper nutrition ( Protein ) If you want some good tips to share with your friends, take a few minutes to read this article and share if you agree.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!


All of us want to get fit but many of us don’t want to wait six months or a year to see results. We want know, How To Get Fit Fast. When you start seeing results in a couple of weeks and your body starts shaping up within a month or so, you feel more motivated to keep going. At the same time, you need to make sure that you’re not overdoing things. Your body can only take so much, in terms of exercise and diet. You don’t want to develop an eating disorder or gymnorexia. So keep in mind that you’re treading a fine line when you follow these tips:
  • Cardio, Cardio, Cardio. If you’re overweight, cardio is the way to go in order to lose weight. Doing weights will help you shed calories in the long run because muscle at rest burns more calories than fat at rest. However, you’re not going to see immediate results when it comes to weights. You’re only going to see them by incorporating cardio. You need to do the kind of cardio activity that makes you sweat a lot. If you’re going for home-based workouts, just pick one that keeps you working all the time, without any rest. The more you jump, jog and kick, the more you’re going to lose weight.
  • Eat More Protein. If you want your muscles to heal faster so that you can put more effort into your workouts, you’ll need to give your body more protein. Most of us get a certain amount of protein everyday but you’ll probably need to up this number in order to build more lean muscle. Good sources of protein include egg whites, chicken and fish. Additionally, you could add a meal replacement shake like Shakeology to get about 16 grams of protein. Make sure you have one source of protein at every meal and you’ll see your body toning up faster.

How to Get Fit Fast: Yes It Is Possible!

  • Lift More. If your aim is not to lose weight but to develop muscle tone, you’ll do so faster by lifting more weight. Many times, women are under the mistaken impression that if they lift heavier weights, they’ll end up looking more masculine. However, a woman’s body is just built differently. So it’s not possible for them to develop the type of muscle tone that men have unless they’re really lifting very heavy weights. If you’ve been using three pound weights and you want to see more results, it’s not going to hurt you to move to five pound weights. If you’re at five pounds, you can easily move to seven.
  • Eat Fruits and Veggies. We all know that fruits and veggies are important if you want to have a balanced diet. But more than that, eating fruits and vegetables will give you the energy you need to keep going and will help you maintain your health. You don’t want to have the kind of weight loss which results in your looking pale and becoming weak. In order to avoid this, try to get as many bright colors as you can on your plate. You can also consult your fitness coach about whether you should start taking vitamins.
  • Do Something You Enjoy. You can get immediate results by doing a number of different workouts. However, many of us get a little bored when we keep going for a full hour on a treadmill or elliptical trainer.  An incredible option is that you can subscribe to Beachbody On Demand where you get access to over 150 different streaming workout videos and you can pick and choose one that interests you. If you get bored of one video, you can always switch to another. Beachbody On Demand also gives you an incredible variety of on-line tools like meal planners, shopping list, as well as support from a Beachbody Coach at no additional cost to help you stay on track!  Plus, you have the option of doing something that is in tune with your fitness goals which may include weight loss, toning or advanced body sculpting.

Getting Fit


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

3 Benefits of Eating Breakfast Backed By Science

I always thought if you want to lose weight you should skip as many  meals as you can, but this article will Share some great tips about the best way to eat and lose weight at the same time. SHARE and comment below!

Do you want to eat more but lose weight at the same time? Impossible? What if study after study after study proved you can?
In fact, it’s one of the easiest ways to lose weight. It requires no dieting, no exercise, and no magic pill. All you have to do is not skip your breakfast. You’ll drop the pounds without having to starve.
Indeed, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It improves your memory, keeps you energized, and reduces your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Furthermore, people who regularly eat breakfast tend to be skinnier, more productive, and generally healthier.
Need more reasons to make your morning meal a daily ritual? Well, here are 3 benefits for eating breakfast proven by research and scientifically backed.
Lose Weight
You might think skipping breakfast will help stave off calories and keep your figure slim, but studies prove the opposite. People who regularly eat breakfast are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off than people who skip their morning meal.
In fact, research suggests that what we eat is just as important as when we eat. One study found that people who made breakfast their largest meal lost an average of 17.8 pounds over 3 months.  And people who made dinner their largest meal? They lost only 7.3 pounds over the same time period.

3 Benefits of Eating Breakfast Backed By Science 

It might have to do with ghrelin, notoriously known as the ‘hunger hormone‘. Located in our stomach, ghrelin sends signals to our brain and  makes us want to eat, especially foods loaded with fat. It also makes us feel good, really good. In fact, ghrelin and cocaine activate the same regions in the brain, highly motivating us to indulge our cravings – even if we’re full.
So if you skip your breakfast, you’ll increase your ghrelin levels, causing you to crave high-carb snacks that are just too good to pass up! On the other hand, starting your day with breakfast 30 to 90 minutes after waking up may quicken our metabolism, regulate your blood sugar, and reduce your ghrelin levels (and subsequently, your cravings). 
Enhance Your Cognitive Performance
If you’re between the ages of 6 and 16, good news – breakfast makes you smarter.
One study looked at test results of over 1386 kids and found that eating breakfast gave them superior cognitive performance, especially when it came to memory and attention span. Now you’re probably long out of grade school, but the benefits are likely to carry across all age groups. Ask yourself, don’t you feel better, more alert and full of energy after a bowl of cereal? Imagine how you’d feel adding some low-carb, high-fiber and protein foods to the mix.
While you might not be able to say no to Honey Nut Cheerios, definitely say yes to top brain foods like walnuts, spinach, berries and avocados. Even dark chocolate, coffee, and sardines are cognitive enhancers and optimal breakfast choices. Not only will these super foods improve brain function, they’ll protect against age-caused cognitive decline and encourage focus and clarity.  You can even find a solution for your healthiest meal of the day in a nutrition dense protein shake, like Shakeology
Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease
If skipping breakfast increases your risk of heart disease, than not skipping breakfast lowers it. At least, that’s what one monumental 16 year study following 26,902 male professionals between the ages of 45-82 claims.
Those who reported they frequently skipped breakfast had a “higher risk of a heart attack or fatal coronary heart disease … even after accounting for modest differences in diet, physical activity, smoking and other lifestyle factors.” The men who did eat their breakfast were 27 percent less likely to have a heart attack or die from coronary heart disease than the men who skipped this incredibly important meal.
The study also found that men who did not eat breakfast tended to be young, unmarried smokers who worked full time. Now that doesn’t mean skipping breakfast will lower the chances of finding your significant other nor will eating breakfast decrease your job opportunities. Rather, it shows that the lifestyles of these young men included not eating breakfast, which in turn leads to a greater risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
So there you have it; eating breakfast will help you lose weight, make you smarter, improve your health, and possibly just save your life. The question is now, what do you eat?
Not all of us have the time to prepare a gourmet meal for breakfast. Some of us barely have time to find our keys, let alone brew a cup of coffee before we’re out the door and on our way to work.
But if you’re looking for a way to lose weight with a delicious, why not try a protein packed and nutrient-rich shake? They’re fast, easy to make, and their taste is only limited by your creativity. That’s why there’s Shakeology from Beachbody.
Not only can you whip up one of these delicious shakes in LESS THAN ONE MINUTE, Shakeology’s Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition that’s packed with incredible amounts of protein, antioxidants, phytonutrients, prebiotics, enzymes, and many rare superfoods from around the world that your body desperately needs and craves.* Plus, Shakeology helps to significantly increase your energy levels, as well as reduce junk food cravings.
And because Shakeology’s key ingredients are derived from whole food sources, your body will be able to easily absorb and utilize the nutrients you’re feeding it immediately
